I think this is the theme song for the inferno. I believe that Junsu or Xia, whatever his name is but I will be using Xia, is dedicating this song to the devil. Or that is what it seems. Very dark and flaming room. Red and black clothing. Trench coats and risky cloths. Very interesting video I have to say.
This video made no sense to me it was just a lot of randomness happening that I couldn't even really focus of the song. But when I did focus on the song I found that there was a little bit too much auto-tune which is a no no for me. I like to hear their authentic voices if there is auto-tune keep it to a very low minimum.
I found a little bit too many weird things in this video. First the giant chair that make him look cool? I see no purpose to the chair. At least in Big Bang's "Fantastic Baby" the chairs signified the leaders to the uprising. But what is he doing. What, don't tell me that he is the devil himself!
No way, because he was a God in JYJ's "Ayy Girl." How can he be a God and the Devil? That doesn't make sense. Maybe he went undercover to report back to Yoochun and Jaejoong, the other Gods. He pulls off the devil look really well though, but I prefer the angel white smile.
Next odd point of the video, throughout the video they kept cutting to the backup dancers. There is a reason why they are called backup dancers. I felt they had an the same amount of screen time as Xia did. That should not happen. Also they were doing some weird things. At one point they were 5 together and being a little to erotic. Lifting shirts up, giving lap dances, tugging on hair and killing a girl with her breath? If I'm focusing on the backup dancers that means there is a problem.
Then there is at one point just four seconds of the video a normal girl is in a normal room. WHAT DOES SHE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? I know it's Xia, but come on make him match the theme at least. I think the video editor misplaced that piece of film into the video. I would understand if he/she would appear more than I can accept it but he/she doesn't. He/she does not belong in the video. But he is a pretty girl.
Next, to have some fun they start playing with pipes. Yes, pipes. I am once again lost. Three girls play with the pipes tugging and pulling is around their body. Seeing how much they were having Xia jumps in. What do the pipes have to do with anything. They really couldn't find anything better to do except play with pipes. The inferno doesn't have too many things to do.
They should all start to play to experiment in the chemistry room... that is on fire... with a chandelier. Except they don't do anything with the colorful chemicals that they have. They decide just to dance there. Something is wrong with them.
Next, they start filming. In the clothes that they are wearing is it not to film something decent. Are they filming adult movies. The evidence is pretty prominent. You can also see that they are trying to film from multiple angles to get a good coverage.
I think Xia took his undercover mission a little to seriously. He should go back in heaven to play chase with the other JYJ members and play with lightening.
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