Sunday, August 12, 2012

F. Cuz - Dreaming I

I like F. Cuz they release good music and great videos for me to criticize. No but seriously I like the message in the video it is a really good message about going back to childhood where you dream and wish without being serious and now that your an adult you shouldn't take things so seriously and just have fun once in a while. Great message and I completely got it but there were some awkward moments in the video or mistakes made.

So the first thing that I want to point out is the fact that the Yejun is basically watching himself. I like how he is so in Awe watching the video. Just look wide open eyes and an open mouth. He is so focused on the video. What I don't get is how this gave him the epiphany to go up against everything like the rules of school to get up and leave the classroom. I just found it weird and made me anticipate something different too.

The next moment was a bit unnecessary where Yejun tries to snatch Raehyun from class. What did Yejun want that was so urgent. I think I would have acted like Raehyun in this situation I would be like "What the hell man can't it wait." I don't get Yejun's urgency.

One of the mistake that I found came when Yejun went to visit Daegun at work at the coffee shop. Just look at the three cups, they are constantly changing. Just looking at the cup that falls it starts off with a black substance, then it becomes emtpy, right before dropping it it turn yellow. There should be a little more consistency. How many take did they have to do that the black beverage ran out and they decided to use yellow. At least use brown which is closer to black. Once again in this situation I would side with Daegun. Like really he wanted him to just get and leave work to go play. Wait until he gets off at least. He's working for a reason and not at school like the other guys. Oh Yejun.

I like how Yejun tries to go up against the school gang/ bullies. Poor guy he doesn't know when to stop. But I don't want to point out how Yejun gets beat up due to his strong ambition but the two that are getting bullied. They being ganged up 2 to 4 and they don't try to escape even though they had the chance while the others were distracted with Yejun. All they do is watch Yejun get attacked.

So finally after so many rejections at the most inconvenient times Yejun what in a rickety old abandon place. At first I thought "Oh this must be the place they came to play in when they were young." I don't think that's the case because no little kid would go into this old creepy looking place. Also another mistake they made was when he met with Jinon and Kan it was night already and it looks pretty bright in here. So he's been waiting there all night and wearing the same clothes for over a day. I don't know. I guess it is just to make the video look fancy.

So then the little kids appear next to them as a way to remind then about the innocent and fun times they had as kids. You know the good old days. But what I think is fun is Jinon and Kan miniature version have them big smiles while Kan is getting beat up in the background. Silly little kids oblivious to the real world.

Finally they decide to go to the place where the desperate Yejun patiently waited for over a day for them to come join him. You can see how desperately he wanted to reunite everyone to the point where he bothered them in the most inconvenient time and  he almost starts to cry when he notices them. Yejun in this video even in "No. 1" he doesn't show off a smart or strong guy. I hope in the next video he does.


So all this time I thought Yejun was gathering everyone so dance and sing because right before everything happened he was watching him own music video so I thought that was his dream and wanted to include to other guys. Nope, he wanted to play with flares to create a lot of smoke in this enclosed building. Really, that is what you to do that almost brought you to tears come on.

So I liked the message my only problem is that Yejun needs to be more of a man next time. Still like the song I'm usually an upbeat kind listening kind of person but I don't know why this song got stuck to me.

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