Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ranking : Big Three

Now I regret my decision on doing a ranking with the comebacks from groups of the top three because I didn't know how to base it. First I thought I would do a combination of music and video but that seemed unfair for some of the groups, Super Junior. Then I thought just music but then I thought I would get to biased because I always have a preference for male voices because it is rare for me to like female voices hence the reason I don't review female groups. So I decided to do 75% music and 25 % video. Maybe not exactly that but close enough to do the ranking. 
This ranking is 100% my opinion so I know some or all of you won't agree with it but here it goes.

#5 Wonder Girls
So I chose Wonder Girls as number 3 because well it took a while for the song to grow on me. Even until now all I know is "Like this yo, like this." Compared to their other songs I feel like this one is my least favorite. I do like the fact that they show do a simple dance that everyone can do. When I say everyone I mean everyone even a baby was dancing to it which shows how they think of others. The flask mob idea was good. I usually like songs with more meaning and feel to them instead of just being catchy. 

#4 TTS
TTS the first sub group of Girls Generation. It surprised me when I first heard about it a seeing that 3 of the best voices were going to be in it made me anticipate what type of song they would release. I was disappointed in the song not because it was bad but I had high hopes for a song that would show off their vocal skills which I feel like they have yet to show. They went for a cute concept which is good for the video because I liked the theatrical feel and concept of the video but still I think my disappointment in the song choice won over me. They tried to make it up by putting EXO in the video but it didn't help. I still like the song because it is different from other songs out there which was a plus but I feel it could have been better.

#3 Big Bang
Next is Big Bang. I loved the video mostly due to the clothes and outfits kind of felt like Halloween. G Dragon does not disappoint. The idea that they were a failed or secret experiment that are now escaping their prison is pretty cool. But this isn't about the video otherwise this would have been first place. I really like the chorus with Deasung and Taeyang and the rest of the song is a nice listen. The reason that I put them in the middle is the fact that this is this their second, third, or forth comeback of the year and I preferred Fantastic Baby and Blue. Two different genres that caught my attention. So having Monster follow in the same year I thought they should be pushed back. Otherwise I like the song but it can't beat their other songs.

#2 Super Junior
Super Junior is back very sexy. Well... not really because the outfits in the video were pretty bad. What did make it sexy is how suave they look in the suit and how Siwon and Leeteuk were shirtless. But I have to say I like this song a lot. One of the first songs I heard and really liked was Bonorama but then with Mr. Simple and A-Cha it didn't match up but I think this getting more reminiscent of why I started like K Pop in the first place. It is not on par with Bonarama but does beat out Mr. Simple and A-Cha. The reason why I didn't want to base a song on the video is that I feel like Super Junior unfairly always gets a simple video of just dancing which I like seeing them dance but that is about it. So just basing it on their song they come in 2nd.

#1 2NE1
"I love youuuuuuuu..." comes in first. I really like how they mixed their song from like a ballad and electric sound together and made the perfect mixture. I've compared artists with old song and nothing can beat the "I am the Best" because that was a really good song which I still continue to listen to this day but I feel "I Love You" was good on it's own. It is on a different level then "I am the Best" but still can compete with it. I like listening to "I Love You" on my way to work in the morning to wake me up but I listen to "I am the Best" coming back from school or work to give me energy after working hard. So that is why even though "I am the Best" is well the best "I Love You" has a certain thing that captures me to the song when I listen to it.

I won't be doing rankings videos anymore because it is too time consuming making the deciding the raking, video, uploading, than writing the blog, also just deciding who is first. I think what I will be doing now that will be easier is comparing K Pop video Korean version to their Japanese version. I might do this once or twice a month depending how much time I have now because I'm about to start my busy schedule again.

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